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The most complete dream interpretation: Do dreams predict the future?

Dream interpretation

We dream almost every day, and there are some common images in dreams. Many people think that dreams that cannot be dreamed may have different meanings. In fact, dreams can also reflect a person’s emotional and mental state.

Although the meanings of different intentions are not fixed, dream interpretation needs to be carried out according to each person’s different experience background, interests and preferences. But having a general idea in advance is very helpful for actual dream interpretation. Let’s talk about what each of the six common images in dreams means?

Dream interpretation

Dream about yourself descending or falling

Usually, dreaming about falling or falling means that you are worried about losing control. You feel that you have lost something and you don’t know what to do or where to go. You can look at what aspect in real life makes you feel uneasy. Is it the recent failure at work? Or did something unexpected happen that caused your values to collapse?

Dream interpretation

From another level, this image of falling and falling is also a stimulating message sent to you by your subconscious mind, hoping that you can take action to restore the decline.

Dream about flying

Flying is usually a positive image. Dream interpretation means that you are relatively satisfied with the current results or status. You feel that you are “flying” better than other competitors.

Dream interpretation

In addition, if you feel that you have good control over the direction and speed while flying, it means that you feel that you can control your current life state. On the contrary, it means that you have encountered some problems or troubles that threaten your life and results.

If what you dream about is not “flying” but the image of “wanting to fly”, it may represent your desire to escape from bondage and be free and independent. Or maybe you want to succeed, but someone is holding you back.

Dream interpretation

Dream about ghosts

Dream interpretation means that there is a problem that is bothering you in real life, and you are afraid to face this problem. To determine what the specific problem is, you have to examine what you have experienced recently. For example, exams are coming soon, professional title evaluations are coming soon, etc.

dream interpretation

If you fight back against a ghost in a dream, dream interpretation represents your determination and courage to face difficulties bravely. If you just run away blindly in the dream and end up being eaten by a ghost, it means that you are really anxious and scared, and this image is also a warning to you, warning you that if you don’t take action, you will definitely end up in trouble. Failed miserably.

Dream interpretation

Dream about being chased

If you always dream about being chased, dream interpretation indicates that you have a lot of worries and fears in your heart. When you are awake, these emotions are suppressed by your consciousness; when you are asleep and your consciousness is in a resting state, these emotions sneak out and enter your dreams, becoming chased images.

Dream interpretation

If you always have dreams about being chased, after waking up from the dream, please ask yourself the following two questions: “What am I afraid of” and “What am I anxious about?” If you don’t ask, don’t pursue, and just run away, you will always have this dream of being chased.

Dream about teeth falling out

First meaning

The image of tooth loss has several meanings. The first meaning of dream interpretation is that you are dissatisfied with your appearance, personal image, figure, etc. Because you have straight teeth, you will be particularly beautiful when you smile. If your teeth fall out, you will become ugly.

Second meaning

The second meaning is the worry about losing power and strength. For example, you are worried that your position in the company will be replaced, and your good impression in the minds of others will collapse. It is like a tooth that becomes particularly loose and shaky before falling out.

The third meaning

The third meaning of dream interpretation is that one of your relatives or friends has been weak recently, and you are worried about losing this relative or friend. In the dream, your teeth replace this relative and friend. Teeth are part of your body. Losing your teeth and losing this relative or friend is equivalent to losing a piece of your body. In addition, the closer the relationship between you and this relative or friend, the easier it is to have such a dream.

Dream interpretation

Dream about exam

It’s not that students dream about exams

Although you have long since stepped out of your student days and no longer need to take exams, you will still often dream about preparing for exams, taking exams, and failing exams. After all, your exam experience as a student has left a deep impression on you.

Usually dreaming about exams, dream interpretation means that you have been very anxious recently, so the memories of being anxious about exams in your student days have been awakened and replayed in the dream. Especially, you always dream about the exam in the subject you are the least good at.

dream meaning

Students dream about exams

In addition, if your child tells you that he often dreams about exams, you need to pay attention. It may be because he is under too much academic pressure, or you may be too strict and authoritarian as parents, and you need to make adjustments to calm your child psychology.

Dream about going back to the past

Dreaming about going back in time means a negative attitude. In these two days, it is easy to lose fighting spirit due to temporary failures, leading to greater losses. Once you find such signs, shout “STOP” to yourself immediately. Chatting with your lover is also a good way to rest. Believe that he can understand you. Preparing a travel plan will bring new breakthrough points to your relationship!

dream meaning

If the efforts you put in do not get the expected rewards, disappointment and frustration will fill the air today. Fun activities will seduce you, so be careful that you tend to indulge! In terms of love, the pressure from family members on both sides will make you a little upset. In addition, you may encounter the impact of new love opportunities, and your current love relationship may become less stable.

dream meaning

So, again, the meaning of imagery is not fixed. It needs to be refined based on the different situations you encounter and your personality preferences. So why do we dream so often? Have you ever experienced the sudden feeling that you have seen this scene in a dream? Do dreams really predict the future? We will continue with dream interpretation in the next issue.

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