Categories Jewelry Making

The secret of the emotional support plant: 90% of people don’t know it

Emotional support plant

Our previous articles have mentioned emotional support. When personal pressure is too great and emotions cannot be relieved in time, we need some special methods or items to achieve an emotional support role.

emotional support plant

I have written an article before that details emotional support animals, emotional support chips, emotional support water bottles, etc. Emotional support chips and emotional support water bottles have one thing in common, which is that they themselves do not have a therapeutic effect on people. Rather, individuals give them special emotions and regard them as their own emotional support.

The emotional support plant we are going to talk about today is different. Studies have shown that it can not only become a person’s emotional support, but also have a positive impact on people’s body and psychology. Let’s learn about the emotional support plant together!

Does emotional support plant really work?

Planting flowers and grass in the family room can bring people a relaxed and happy feeling. Most people think that it is due to the bright colors and beautiful shapes of flowers and plants. This feeling is not wrong, but botanists have a further explanation for why flowers and plants make people feel refreshed. There is enough evidence to show that plants have the effect of regulating emotions, reducing psychological stress, increasing green vision and eliminating fatigue for us humans.

emotional support plant

Why can plants have an emotional support role?

Relieve anxiety as a hobby

According to a study from Washington State University, people reported that plants in their work environment made them more productive, and they responded to computer tests 12 percent faster than employees without plants in their work environment. Blood pressure data shows that plants in the workplace can also reduce stress.

emotional support plant

As anxiety, depression and burnout have gradually become a common phenomenon in office life, planting plants can be regarded as a hobby that has a soothing effect on the body and mind, especially indoor emotional support plants, which can be seen all the time and can better relieve emotions.

Green brings positive emotions

On average, Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, but those who spend more time in natural environments are reported to have more energy and higher life satisfaction. Indoor emotional support plants will give people the feeling of being in a green space.

emotional support plant

Green itself is also a soothing color. The scent of some plants is comparable to aromatherapy and can lift your spirits. With plants, we bring nature back into our lives. Watching them thrive can give people a sense of optimism.

The role of mood support plants

Relieve mood

Flowers of various colors produced by plants are a good medicine for relieving people’s nervousness, especially green plants that symbolize vitality. They have direct or indirect effects on relieving anxiety and stabilizing irritability.

Emotional support plant outdoor

Many people have this experience. When you enter a large green grassland or an open lush forest, you will feel relaxed. This is the forest and your outdoor emotional support plant. The reason why plants can make people feel refreshed is because they release a large amount of oxygen while performing photosynthesis, and an oxygen-rich environment is helpful for human metabolism. In addition, there are many spice plants in the plant kingdom. The aromatic substances they release can refresh people and increase their energy.

Emotional support plant outdoor

Affect mental state

The color of flowers also affects human mental state. For example, red flowers make people passionate and excited, while blue flowers make people quiet and cool. The popular “forest therapy” and “horticulture therapy” now encourage people to appreciate the flowers and plants in the woods and stay in “outdoor emotional support plants” to be infected by the vitality of nature, and at the same time help to enhance immunity.

Emotional support plants

According to reports, people who often deal with green will brighten their eyes. Especially when a person’s green visual field rate reaches 25%, blood pressure, heartbeat, and breathing will be very even. Green plants will also release a large amount of anions, which can quickly improve the body’s immunity, because negative ions (anions) can improve people’s mood and keep the human body in a virtuous cycle. In addition, people’s eyes seeing more green will make the retina better adjusted.

Emotional support


Many flowers and plants can secrete natural bactericides. For example, the scent of roses can help treat sore throats and tonsillitis caused by colds, osmanthus can help treat bronchitis, and the smell of violets and asparagus can kill tuberculosis bacteria and staphylococci. It can be seen that if you cannot often go to outdoor woods and grasslands due to limited conditions, you can cultivate more suitable flowers and plants indoors, which will not only purify the environment, but also enjoy a refreshing feeling.

Emotional support

Through gardening activities, it can help people feel the interaction between sunlight, moisture, soil, air and life, and feel the power of life; through tie-dying, hand-painted artistic expression, making strawberry jam, extracting essential oils and other forms, it can help people improve their Acuity of the five senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell, good at discovering the beauty in life and improving happiness in life.

emotional support plant

Do you need to consider raising emotional support plants?

Plant growth environment

When we raise an emotional support plant, we must first consider where we will put it. The plant definitely needs sunlight to grow. I need a place at home where the plant can fully enjoy the sun, and we must consider It may need to be pruned and watered later. If you have a garden or balcony, you can consider growing an outdoor emotional support plant, but if you don’t have such a large space, you can grow an indoor emotional support plant.

Can you remember to water your plants?

Can’t remember to water

If you are busy at work and find it difficult to remember to water your plants, then snake plants or aloe vera are suitable for you. They are very drought-resistant and have relatively low requirements for growing conditions, even if you often forget to water them. , they can also grow very well. It is also quite diverse and is also a good choice as a home decoration.

Can remember to water

If you can water your pigs regularly, then most plants are suitable as your emotional support plants, such as pothos. But one thing is very important, pothos is poisonous to cats, dogs and people. In order to prevent pets and children at home, they should be placed high.

The above is an introduction to emotional support plants. In the future, I will also share with you the functions of some specific plants to help you make better choices!

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