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Is being too kind also a kind of emotional bondage?


Have you ever experienced such a situation? In life, you have to struggle for a long time to buy a gift for a friend, and you have been unable to make a decision. Then you have been thinking about it for several days in a row, and you have been in tangled emotions, which even affects you. Your life and work! At work, you may have a good idea, but your colleagues may also have the same idea. You may think over and over whether to compete with your colleagues, and you are always worried that your colleagues will be unhappy, and as a result, you may miss out on good promotion opportunities. This is what emotional bondage looks like!

There is nothing wrong with your kindness, but being too overthinking brings a serious psychological burden to yourself. In the end, you realize that everything is your own idea, and you get entangled in vain. So how do you get rid of this emotional bondage caused by “kindness”?

emotional bondage

“Emotional Bondage” in Life

The same opportunity is in front of them. Some people can decisively seize the opportunity, while others hesitate after thinking about it. This is due to different personalities. Some people can achieve a great career, while some people are destined to live a life of mediocrity. It’s also the first time for me to be a newbie. Why do some people hesitate and have no opinions, and why do some people act decisively?


First of all, one reason is that you think too much about doing things. You are worried that this or that problem may lead to the failure of this matter. You hope to find the right answer. However, there are many things in life that do not have the so-called right answer, but the path chosen is different. Sometimes people tend to waste too much time when making choices, struggle for a long time without being able to make a choice, and then fall into emotional bondage, unable to make a decision.

emotional bondage

Secondly, it may be that you have too little experience. Your mind is blank, you have no ideas of your own at all, you don’t know what to do when encountering unknown things, and you don’t know what the consequences will be.

Thirdly, in many cases, you are aware of the consequences of your choice and can accept it, but you still hesitate. The reason for hesitation in doing things stems from the most fundamental problem, which is a lack of courage and self-confidence.


In fact, there is no need to waste time on small things. Although you need to think carefully about big things, you must also have the courage to make choices and bear the consequences.

emotional bondage

Allow yourself to take the initiative to experience different things and increase your horizons and experience. On the other hand, adjust your mentality and tell yourself what the worst result will be if you make a certain choice. Can you accept this result? Then it will be much easier for you to make a choice. Calm thinking can help us reduce anxiety and avoid emotional bondage.

Courage and self-confidence can be cultivated. You need to continue to hone yourself in life, don’t be afraid of failure, don’t give yourself a way out, and experience more things. Regarding self-confidence, I prefer what an online article says: Self-confidence is not something you pursue, but comes out after you do something well. Emotional bondage is not inevitable, it just depends on your personal mentality.

emotional bondage

“Emotional bondage” at work

Most of the emotional constraints at work come from competition among colleagues. Sometimes, when facing competition in the workplace, you don’t know what to do and are afraid of damaging the relationship between colleagues. Instead, you miss the opportunity for promotion. And most importantly, you are afraid of damaging the relationship between colleagues. The emotions that you care about very much, and the most important thing is that the emotions that you care about very much may not be noticeable in the eyes of your colleagues. In the end, you will be the only one who is trapped in emotional constraints.

competition in the workplace


Maintain an objective and rational attitude

Wherever there is work, there is competition. Survival of the fittest is the essence of competition. Companies need to select the best candidates through competition, and the industry is constantly improving under competition. People in the workplace should not be afraid of competition. When faced with competition, they should face it head-on. Don’t worry about offending them. Where there is emotional bondage, there will be development where there is competition; therefore, in order to obtain expected rewards, one has to enhance one’s own competitiveness, thus Improve your professionalism.

Competition in the workplace

Don’t be afraid to compete with older employees

Many graduates who have just entered the workplace say that they are the first to start. There must be a lot of discomfort when they first enter a company. There are still a lot of people who need help from the old employees. The old employees also hope that the newcomers can be more tolerant to them. If there is a competitive relationship with the old employees at this time, they will definitely not get a good deal. This kind of mentality is common.

Competition in the workplace

But then I think about it, since you entered this company, you and your colleagues have been in an invisible competitive relationship. The workplace is inherently cruel. If you don’t join this competition, there will be others. If you think that you can withdraw from the job at the beginning, It is foolish to ask others to look at you differently. There is a huge disparity in strength between you and the old employees, so the chance of winning is slim. If you are capable, why not give it a try? Most people still prefer capable people. There is no need to have an emotional bondage because of your own worries.

Competition in the workplace

Don’t be a “pleaser” coworker

Fight for what you need to fight for, insist on what you need to insist on, learn to say no, maintain fighting spirit, be polite and polite. When you work hard, you find that you end up taking advantage of others. When you have good intentions and seek benefits for others, you will be repaid with evil. Your kindness may be maliciously slandered, or even bitten back.

Maintain a peaceful attitude

Don’t overly pursue the results of competition. The process of competition is worth learning. Newbies in the workplace will have many opportunities to face competition in the future. The win or loss in front of you cannot represent every result in the future. There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. You can only do your best. Yes, it’s all a little gain.

Competition in the workplace


In life and work, we often have emotional bondage due to our own hesitation. This is all due to our lack of ability or lack of courage. Only by daring to make decisions can we make better decisions, so we must refuse to make decisions. Get rid of your emotional bondage, study hard in life and work, and refuse to get entangled.

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