Categories Jewelry Making

Color Psychology: Blue Emotions


͏Do you know why traffic lights are yellow, red, and green? Do you know why safes are mostly black and refrigerators are mostly white? Do you know why formal suits are mainly in dark colors? Do you know why bedrooms are mostly light in color? These are actually all related to the influence of color on people’s subconscious.

Color psychology can explain the above problems to you and tell you the impact of colors on people under different cultural backgrounds and scenes. Color psychology is a very popular psychological research recently. Although it has not been officially accepted by psychologists, this effect has been confirmed to exist and is beginning to be applied to all aspects of our lives. This color psychology provides a breakthrough for us to understand a person’s heart, allowing us to use color to understand others and ourselves. Let’s explore color psychology and the expression of blue emotions.

blue emotions

Color ͏ Psychology

What is the psychology of color?

͏Before I talk about the emotion about blue, ͏I want to let everyone understand ͏what is color psychology.
͏. In fact, people have subjective emotional feelings about colors. For example, red is often connected with positive emotions such as passion, love and vitality. Sometimes red can also express anger, but invariably, red Always ͏ active ͏. Green represents hope, natural peace, and peace. Internationally, green or white is often used to represent peace. Blue is often associated with emotions such as tranquility, calmness and concentration, while black is often associated with sadness, melancholy and a sense of authority. ͏

͏This is the basis of color psychology. I originally thought that color psychology was about people’s subjective experience and would be of little use in practice. But in fact, color psychology has a very wide range of applications. We see that advertisements, book covers, paintings, and even the color design of the login interface are all related to color psychology. Most importantly, color psychology is used in psychotherapy. The emotion wheels we shared before are distinguished by many colors. I wonder if it has anything to do with color psychology?

blue emotions

Color Psychological Therapy

In psychotherapy, erotic emotions can be used as a tool to help patients express and explore their emotions and inner experiences. The therapist can ask the patient to choose a color that represents their current emotional state. For example, if a patient feels anxious and nervous, they may choose red or black colors. By choosing colors, patients can express their emotions more intuitively, and therapists can further explore the causes and effects of those emotions. ͏

Therapists can use specific colors to trigger emotions and memories in patients. ͏For example, if a patient has positive associations with the color blue, a therapist can use the color blue to help the patient relax and calm. This association can be achieved by looking at blue objects, listening to blue music, or using blue lighting.

blue emotions

Blue emotion

What emotion does blue represent?

After the above introduction, we already know that different colors can express different emotions, and a person’s preference for a certain color can also express the person’s emotional state in a certain way. So what is the blue emotion?

Neither water nor air is blue, but we feel they are blue. So when it comes to blue, it feels like being in a blue sea. The first picture that pops up in my head is the sea. Compared with other colors, blue is more popular. 40% of men and 36% of women said that their favorite color is blue, and almost no one dislikes blue, only 2% of men and 1% of women. , don’t like blue. Blue is so loved because this color symbolizes many good things, blue represents goodwill, harmony, friendliness and friendship.

blue emotions

Symbol of blue emotions

The blue emotion contains many symbolic meanings related to the sky. In many myths of the world, blue is a symbol of talent or heavenly gods. In ancient Greek and Roman times, Zeus and Jupiter were enshrined in blue temples. The reason is that the blue emotion is a symbol of wisdom, the throne with ruling power and religious hierarchy. In addition, the Virgin Mary in the painting is dressed in blue, which can also be seen as the embodiment of blue representing the heavenly figure, and the Virgin Mary is a natural queen. It is precisely because the Virgin Mary wears a blue cloak. , so France formed the habit of using blue for girls.

What emotion does blue represent?

Ancient China

In ancient China, blue emotions were associated with agriculture, which symbolized the power of nature. Qinglong is a typical example. Since ancient times, Qinglong has been considered the king of heaven and has symbolized the natural force that encompasses the growth and creation of spring in the eastsymbol.

Northwest europe

On the other side of the world, the Celts living in northwest Europe believed that blue was the color of creativity and the sacred color of bards who passed down heroic legends orally from generation to generation.

What emotion does blue represent?


In the UK, blue is the symbol of the highest authority and reputation. This is because the Price Medal, the highest medal awarded by the British royal family, is blue. The blue handbag also reflects this symbolic meaning. In Britain, blue is a symbol of the upper class. If you call a person of blue blood, it means that he is a member of the nobility and royal family.

Embodiment of blue emotions


Blue can make people calm. This color of the sky and ocean has a tolerant attitude. It is difficult to become irritable looking at this color. People who like blue are more rational, polite, knowledgeable, and quick-minded. These people are not impulsive, have a serious attitude, and think before they act. Therefore, people who like blue mostly have leadership and organizational skills, so blue Emotion is reason.

blue emotions


Women in blue mood are usually very independent and self-reliant. People who like blue always like to describe the future blueprint for their loved ones, like to develop their own life goals on the road of love, and like to pursue the emotion of being in the same boat. People who like blue are very humble and loving, and are tolerant of their significant other. If their bottom line is violated and they do not repent seriously, it will be difficult to get through with just temporary coaxing.

What emotion does blue represent?

Team coordination ability

People who like blue emotions not only have strong team coordination skills, but also pay attention to politeness and are very humble and cautious. They are definitely not impulsive people and will make careful plans before taking action. They are also cautious and strictly follow the plans. Various rules.


Most people in blue mood tend to be blue. People who like bright colors such as sky blue, water blue, etc. are generally very emotional and can express their thoughts freely. Although they are not very good at social interaction, they are very good at using art as a form to connect with the world. connect. As we just said, people who like navy blue and other dark blue colors are generally more rational and like to be superior to others.

What emotion does blue represent?


Blue emotion is actually a representative of rational emotion. People who like blue usually have strong logical thinking ability, strong execution ability, and are more cautious in dealing with things. They feel that they are good employees! In the next issue, we will share more popular science about blue emotions and see what kind of people most like blue!

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