Categories Jewelry Making

How to deal with mooded?


For some friends, they suddenly become mooded and lose interest for no reason. At this time, what should they do? How can I get myself back into a good mood?

How can I get back into a good mood?

You may be stressed and in a bad mood due to unsatisfactory work or life. If you want to get rid of this kind of emotion, you must first get rid of that environment, release your emotions, stay away from all unhappy factors, and embrace new things!


Eat what you like

“There is no problem that cannot be solved by one delicious meal. If one meal is not enough, then eat two.” Eating what you like has always been the simplest but most effective way to improve your mood. After eating a delicious meal, your stomach will be filled and your heart will be filled with happiness.

Enjoy the food

I remember when I was in college, there was a night market not far from the school gate. Whenever I feel mooded, I will invite two or three friends to eat together from the street to the end of the street. At that time, all the big worries will be forgotten.

You can’t live with your stomach. No matter how bad your mood is, don’t forget to eat something you like. Even if it’s just a simple bowl of noodles, when the soup goes down, the warmth from the stomach will spread to the heart, giving us the strength to continue on.

Enjoy the food

Watch comedy

To make yourself feel better, stop watching sad love stories and watch more comedies. In this pleasant and relaxing atmosphere, your body and mind will be completely relaxed, allowing you to forget all your worries. At the same time, comedy often makes you laugh, and this kind of laughter can completely release yourself and make you feel more comfortable and happy than ever before.

Do something to calm down

When many people are in a bad mood, they will think about doing something else to divert their attention and stop thinking randomly, and their mood will naturally get better.

A friend told me that she would start drawing when she was mooded. It’s not a technical painting, it’s just a piece of white paper filled with colored pens. With each piece of paper she drew, she felt better. When the stack of drawn papers was as high as her knees, she had a completely new mental state and life.

A large amount of scientific research shows that people’s actions affect their thinking. So when the body moves actively, that energy will also unconsciously infect our thoughts, freeing us from negative emotions. Therefore, when you are mooded, you might as well allow yourself to “waste” some time on those “meaningless” things. Maybe they bring us more than we imagined.

Take the initiative to help others

Maybe you won’t be in the mood to help others when you are in a mood, but this is indeed one of the best choices to both contribute to others and make yourself happy. While helping others, you will also feel extremely happy.

For example, volunteering is a great option to put you in a better mood. Animal shelters, orphanages, and nursing homes are all options for volunteering, and you can choose any of them to dedicate your love. You just need to pay with your heart and dedicate your heart. No special skills are required, and no money is required. As long as you volunteer sincerely and wholeheartedly, you will feel unprecedented satisfaction and your mood will naturally become more comfortable.


Have a good sleep

Sometimes mood is the key element in solving a problem. If you insist on struggling with problems, you will only get yourself into trouble, your mood will get worse and worse, and the problem will not be solved in the end. It’s better to put down your hands for the time being, have a good sleep, and recuperate your spirit. Although sleeping with your head covered cannot solve the problem, it can allow us to temporarily escape our worries and anxiety.

When we wake up, we will have a new state of mind. If we think about and solve problems at that time, we may be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

Sleep is very important for everyone. It not only cultivates the body, but also is a crucial process for cleaning up the brain and emotional garbage. Most of the stress in life is released through sleep. So when you encounter a problem, don’t compete with yourself and think, “If you can’t finish it, you won’t sleep.” Have a good sleep, change your mood, and the problem will be solved.

Learn to let yourself go

Because many people don’t want to be incompetent, they set extremely high standards for themselves and work hard to achieve their goals. But in the end, 80% of people end up failing to achieve their goals, falling into self-denial, and becoming extremely mooded.

Few people have said that learning to let yourself go should be a required course for adults. Learning to let yourself go means knowing to tell yourself that failure is no big deal. The reason why it is said that there are no obstacles in life that cannot be overcome is because if we cannot overcome this obstacle, we can still take a detour and give up if we really can’t finish it. There is no shame in it.

When you are mooded, give yourself a break. Don’t worry about anything, don’t care about anything, let yourself be in a state of 100% relaxation, and let your mind occasionally wander into the world of dreams. Maybe this period of relaxation will give you the inspiration to deal with your worries.

There are many unattainable ambitions in life. No matter how high your status is or how great your achievements are, there are still one or two things that you are unwilling to do but are powerless to do, let alone ordinary people like us. There is no need to doubt yourself, deny yourself, and then hate yourself. As long as you try your best in everything and accept the final result calmly.


Nine times out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory. We can’t stop bad things from happening, but we can change our mood. The most important thing in life is to be happy. When our mentality improves, we will find that there is nothing difficult in this world.

The most important thing in life is to be happy.

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