Categories Jewelry Making

The Most Troubling Emotional Bondage: Almost Everyone Affected!


We have talked about what emotional bondage is before. We have learned that everyone is affected by emotional bondage unconsciously. Mild emotional bondage may only affect a person’s mood, while severe emotional bondage will affect a person’s personality and way of doing things. So how should we deal with the impact of emotional bondage?

Emotional Bondage

The Most Troubling Emotional Bondage

Due to the influence of the growth environment, or the continuous negation of others at work or life, we will be particularly concerned about the eyes of others. Over time, we become sensitive, always feel that someone is watching us, and become timid in doing things. If you dare to show yourself, you always feel that others are talking about you and laughing at you. In fact, caring too much about other people’s opinions is also a sign of emotional bondage. Almost everyone has it, and it is very annoying.

If you care too much about other people’s opinions, there will be two endings in the end: either you will die of exhaustion, or you will let others torture you to death. Caring too much about other people’s opinions will keep you stuck in the same place, and will make you afraid to pursue the life you really want.

Emotional Bondage

Look at other people’s perspectives rationally

We can avoid criticism by simply doing nothing, saying nothing, or even becoming anything. ——Aristotle

If you care too much about what others think, no matter what they think of you, what they say about you, or what you do, it will stop you from moving forward in life. Maybe you give up on something you want to pursue because you are afraid of being judged by others or most people. Maybe you will not improve your life because you know how others will react to your behavior through previous experiences, resulting in a very serious emotional bondage.

Caring to a certain extent about what others think of your actions can help you receive helpful feedback and help you maintain stability. But caring too much about other people’s opinions will keep you in the same place, and it will make you stagnant and afraid to pursue the life you really want.

Emotional Bondage

5 solutions

Make it clear that people are independent individuals

First of all, people don’t actually see you or pay attention to what you are doing as much as you think. They are often too busy caring about their own affairs, and they also worry about what others will think of them. Maybe this fact makes you feel a little insignificant, but in fact, thinking this way will make you feel much lighter than before.

Yes, in your mind you may be the most important person in the world. But don’t assume that others think the same way. Because in their world, the most important person is likely to be themselves or their children. People are independent individuals. No one will pay attention to what others are doing all day long. There is no need to cause emotional bondage because of your own excessive worries.

Emotional Bondage

Treat praise and criticism calmly

I think it is good to do your best to gain the appreciation of others, and I also support this approach. It’s good to get praise from others, but I rarely get overly excited and jump up and down with joy.

Another advantage of this idea is that when you receive negative criticism that is contrary to the situation, you can also accept it calmly, without having too many negative and pessimistic emotions forming an emotional bondage that hinders your progress. If you learn anything from the criticism, it will also make you grateful for the criticism you receive. Doing things this way can help you care less about what others think.


Care more about your own opinions

If you care too much about what others think of you, that passionate desire will make you feel even more impoverished in your heart, and you will start to see yourself based on how others see you. So, try to replace those desperate desires with things that are more beneficial and make you feel more powerful. Things that give you peace of mind can keep your life from becoming a roller coaster controlled by other people’s opinions. Paying more attention to your own opinions about yourself and building up your self-esteem and self-confidence can reduce the occurrence of emotional bondage.


Ways to build confidence

Keep a self-appreciation diary

If you base your self-respect solely on your own gains, or even on other people’s opinions of you, then your emotions will have a very unstable foundation and will change at any time based on other people’s opinions. You will not be able to see your own strengths and fall into a trap. The vortex of emotional bondage.

You can solve this problem by keeping a self-appreciation journal. Every night you can take out a pen and notepad or use the notepad on your computer or mobile phone to record what happened today, and write down 5 things you appreciate about yourself. Remember, no matter what happens today Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, write 5 of them.

You will find that you are actually a person with many advantages, and they will always exist no matter how well you perform at work and study. They may be your essence and nature, such as sense of humor, kindness, honesty, intelligence, creativity, etc. There is no need to feel depressed because of other people’s evaluations, you are excellent!

Be considerate of others and yourself

The environment will affect people’s emotions. There is no need to put yourself in a high-pressure environment to criticize others. Treat others with consideration. Then, you will also treat yourself with consideration and avoid entering emotional bondage. When you feel the urge to judge others without realizing it, a simple way to treat them more considerately and kindly is to ask yourself some helpful questions. One I found particularly helpful:

What qualities does this person have that I also have? How similar is he/she to me in this respect?


This approach shifts my focus from comparing the differences between me and others to the similarities between us. It removes the barriers between us and I can feel closer to this person and understand others more. And you will naturally think of and use this more considerate and friendly method on yourself. And through this method, you will feel better and better about yourself and help build self-respect.

Ignore negative reviews

Remember, not everything someone says about you is true. These words or these negative methods are used by people to release the anger, despair or jealousy that has accumulated in their lives. Or maybe it’s what people use to emphasize that his point of view is correct. It is also possible that he has a habit of influencing other people’s emotions by insulting them, causing them to fall into a vicious cycle of emotional bondage.


Get the attention of others through those arguments. This is just what they think, not what you do or want to do. Remembering this method at all times can help us calm down and reduce emotional bondage. And remember, other people are human and have bad days, marriages, or jobs.


Life is such a long journey, and it’s hard to walk alone. Coupled with the emotional shackles of others, you will only be more tired when you carry the burden forward than being burdened by others, so don’t care so much about other people’s opinions and don’t let yourself be emotionally bound.

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