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Shocking: People with blue emotions are like this!


In the last article, we talked about the blue emotion in color psychology. Blue emotion is a representative of rationality, and people who like blue, that is, people with blue emotions, are usually knowledgeable and quick-minded. In this issue, we mainly look at the performance of people with blue emotions and what emotional value blue brings to us.

blue emotions

People in blue mood usually have?

Strong working ability

People in blue mood are great teammates in study and work. Not only do they have strong team coordination skills, they are also very polite and modest. People in blue mood are by no means impulsive and will make careful plans before taking action. They are perfectionists. Whether it is doing things or treating people, whether it is treating themselves or others, blue hearts always want perfection. Either don’t do it, or do your best if you do it.

Any laxity or lowering of standards makes them feel guilty on their conscience. If you are working on a project with someone who is blue, be sure not to let them do the finishing work, otherwise it will be difficult to tie the knot. They are cautious and strictly follow the rules. Think about it for a moment, blue friends, don’t pursue perfection too much. Your 60 points is already someone else’s 100 points. Completion is greater than perfection.

blue emotions

Give people a sense of security

People in blue mood are cold on the outside and hot on the inside, mature and stable. Thinking about things comprehensively and being good at analysis. When facing problems, we will use the most complex methods to interpret simple problems to ensure accuracy. They are so rigorous and meticulous. The methods may be clumsy, but they emphasize perfection and will not give up until they achieve their goals. As long as they give up efficiency and choose precision, they are still worthy of peace of mind as long as they don’t hit a dead end.

And because of this, they often cling to a bright idea and develop it continuously, possessing the thoughts and skills of an inventor. People with blue emotions are the most troublesome people, and blue is also the most reassuring group of people. The trouble they have with doing things is because you think they complicate simple problems. What they do is reassuring because they can consider all the details that you can’t consider and have already settled them for you. I think blue people are very suitable for planning work.

blue emotions

Sensual melancholy

People with blue emotions are particularly sensitive to sadness, which is why blue people can get more happiness from the soul when reading tragedies than comedy works. (Can a child who always pursues perfection not be depressed?) People who like blue, especially bright blues such as sky blue and aqua blue, are generally very emotional. Although they are not social people, they do connect with the world through some form of communication (such as art).

If a blue person wants to care for someone, he will try to understand you, gain insight into you, and do what you need for you. They don’t bother to express their inner feelings in words, let alone praise them lightly. He is the type of warm man/girl who works silently.

What emotion does blue represent?

People in blue emotions care most about spiritual communication and are most eager to have friends and partners who “can understand with just one look.” Blues are used to and like to use hints to make you understand what they mean. Because of blue’s implicitness, blue also has a very strong desire to “even if I don’t say it, you can understand me.” They pursue that high degree of fit and synergy. The disappearance of this spiritual soulmate will make Lan feel doubly sad.

Deep soul

People with blue emotions have highly developed brains, and their nature endows them with independent thinking, not following trends, respecting their own opinions and thinking deeply about issues. Most of the great tragic works in this world were written by blue writers. Grief makes people extraordinarily sharp. Most great scientists, artists, philosophers, thinkers, and poets are blue, and the vast majority of geniuses in the world are blue. All geniuses are characterized by perfectionism.

What emotion does blue represent?

Blue, because of their natural depth and concentration in thinking about problems, are the characters most likely to achieve great and fruitful results in the fields of art, philosophy, and science. People with blue emotions are afraid of lively crowds in their hearts. They always like to meditate on things that have nothing to do with life in a claustrophobic space and enjoy the communication between themselves and their hearts. Lan believes that the true meaning of life does not arise in the excitement. Philosophy often arises in a painful loneliness and hard search. It confirms the saying: good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls are unique.

blue emotions

Peace of mind

Being peaceful and non-aggressive is both an advantage and a disadvantage. People with this kind of personality are particularly humble and kind to their juniors or weak opponents. But sometimes he can appear a little cowardly, especially when facing his superiors, he will suppress himself, compromise, and not tell his true thoughts. It’s easy to miss what you really want. Blue friends, sometimes you have to fight for what you have to fight for! But they are kind-hearted and hope that life can be as pure and natural as water, which also makes them calm and open-minded. People in the blue mood are naturally the most honest. They would rather admit defeat than cheat on others. People in the blue mood are trustworthy.

Blue emotions psychology

A promise worth a thousand gold

Because of their high commitment and willingness to put their lives on hold, people with blue emotions are the most trustworthy of all colors. Loyalty allows Blues to love deeply and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the people they love. Blues are generally devoted to the emotions they recognize.

People with blue emotions give up their own happiness due to responsibilities and commitments. Blue people are best suited to be friends. They silently contribute to others to show concern and love. Be loyal to friendship. Sincerely care about the situation of friends and be considerate of others. In times of difficulty, he will take the initiative to reach out and try his best to provide encouragement and comfort. Often plays the role of problem analyzer in small teams. Blue adheres to the principle of “talk less nonsense and do more practical things”. Once you make a decision on anything, you will stick to it unswervingly.


People with blue emotions really make people feel very safe! Most people in this world like blue. There are many people who like blue. I think it may be because the blue color is relatively broad on the earth where we live. The sky is blue and the sea is also blue. . Therefore, I hope that everyone can have the emotional rationality of blue and the liveliness of red, because humans are inherently imperfect, and only those with “colorful” emotions can live a relaxed and wonderful life!

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