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Emotional scale: Emotional intelligence is the most important!


In the previous article, we mentioned emotional scale. Emotional scale refers to a general term for a type of emotional test that scores through questions and answers, infers the scoring and then derives the emotional state based on the scoring. Among them, the most popular and common emotional scale test is the emotional intelligence scale. Emotional intelligence is what we call emotional intelligence in general. It is very important in our lives and work. It is the most common test in the world. The emotional intelligence test is EQ-i, let’s learn about it together!

Emotional Scale: Your Emotional In Simple Questions And Answers!

Emotional scale

What is the EQ-i test?

The EQ-i test, which stands for Emotional Quotient Inventory, is an emotional scale tool that assesses individual emotional intelligence (EI or EQ). It was developed by psychologist Reuven Bar-On and is designed to measure an individual’s abilities in various aspects of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is not just an individual’s ability to deal with interpersonal relationships or express language.

EQ-i test

It includes many aspects and usually refers to an individual’s ability to identify, use, understand, and manage one’s own and other people’s emotions. This is somewhat different from our usual understanding of emotional intelligence. Our usual understanding of emotional intelligence may only be output, which refers to one’s own treatment of something or the handling of interpersonal relationships. But in fact, emotional intelligence also includes one’s own inner feelings about emotions of digestion.

Core areas of EQ-i testing


The ability to perceive one’s own emotions, including self-respect, self-actualization and emotional awareness. This is what we just mentioned. Emotional intelligence is not just output, but also includes the ability to achieve self-realization. This is also why the emotional intelligence test is the most popular test among emotional scale tests.

Emotional scale


The ability to express one’s emotions, covering emotional expression, independence and interpersonal relationships. This also breaks one of our misunderstandings about emotional intelligence. High emotional intelligence does not mean blind tolerance, but a more reasonable and appropriate way to handle emotional expression. A person with high emotional intelligence can use the most appropriate way to equalize the interests of himself and others, instead of blindly lowering his attitude.

Interpersonal relationships

The ability to understand and influence the emotions of others in social situations, including social responsibility, empathy, and interpersonal relationships.


Some people have very good interpersonal relationships, especially in the workplace, and can handle relationships with colleagues with ease. But when facing decisions, they will look forward and backward. A person with high emotional intelligence will not hesitate when making decisions and has good decision-making ability.

Coping with stress

Coping with stress mainly refers to whether a person can control his emotions well and actively find ways to solve it when facing pressure, and whether he can have an optimistic attitude.

EQ-i test format

EQ-i usually appears in the form of a self-report questionnaire and is a very common form of emotion scale. Participants need to answer a series of questions based on their experiences and feelings in the past period and give a score range. This score is from one to five. You can score according to the degree of feelings of different questions and finally add up the scores for all questions. , the total score is in different numerical ranges, which means that your emotional intelligence is at different levels.

The role of the EQ-i test

Self reflection

Many people still have deficiencies in interpersonal relationships, including handling of workplace issues. But they don’t know where their problems lie. Through the EQ-i test of the emotional scale, we can accurately know whether we are deficient in emotional intelligence, and know where we are deficient, so we can make self-corrections and Self-reflection.

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Career success

Emotional intelligence is considered one of the key factors for career success, especially in jobs that require teamwork and leadership. The EQ-i test can help individuals improve their interpersonal skills at work, enhance cooperation among colleagues, and improve leaders’ ability to manage emotions and motivate teams.

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Mental health

Emotional intelligence is closely related to mental health, and the EQ-i test can help individuals learn how to effectively manage emotions, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve overall life satisfaction.

We communicate with people every day and deal with various interpersonal problems, and having good emotional intelligence is an important condition for improving a interpersonal relationship.

When a person faces work pressure, family changes, and emergencies, good emotional intelligence is an essential quality to handle everything properly.

When we face sadness, lovelorn, divorce and many other unsatisfactory situations in life, we need emotional intelligence to adjust our own physical and mental health.

The importance of emotional intelligence!

Improving emotional intelligence enables us to use limited knowledge to operate an infinite world, which is more suitable for the current stressful living environment.

It is a widely accepted concept that a person’s success follows the 20/80 rule, that is, 20% is determined by IQ and 80% is determined by other factors, the most important of which is emotional intelligence. For example, emotional intelligence is more important for nurses than for doctors; emotional intelligence for middle school teachers is more important than for university professors; and for kindergarten teachers compared with middle school teachers, emotional intelligence is more important. In other words, people who deal with people should have high emotional intelligence, and people who deal with things should have high IQ.

Emotional Intelligence Scale

Emotional intelligence is crucial to personal success in life, career success, and family happiness. According to Professor Goleman’s research, the family environment and education in childhood and adolescence are very important to the cultivation of a person’s emotional intelligence, laying the foundation for a lifetime of happiness. Therefore, the earlier the EQ education is, the better. It must be integrated into the teaching process of kindergartens, primary schools, and middle schools. This first requires improving the emotional intelligence of teachers so that they can also complete the education of people while engaging in education.

In short, the emotional intelligence test is a very important test in the emotional scale test. It actually affects our daily interactions, so I think this test is very necessary! And its entire testing process is very simple and does not take much time. This is also a very important point of the emotion scale, which is very suitable for our self-test!

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