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Emotional Scale: Your emotional in simple questions and answers!


Emotional health is an integral part of our lives. It affects our mental and physical health, as well as our relationships with others. But, do you know how to measure your emotional health? The Emotional Scale is a simple and effective tool that can help us understand our emotional state. Then we can take some measures to improve our emotional state based on the test results in the emotional Scale, and we can also prevent it in advance. My emotional state has deteriorated. Let’s introduce in detail what the emotional scale is and how to use it.

What is Emotional Scale?

The Emotional Scale is used as an indicator of what an individual’s feelings are at that moment in time for the investigator. It should be noted that this one is not an itemized, emotion wheel or a similar instrument to various emotion tests that we referred to above. The term “Emotional Scale” actually does not refer to any specific emotional test form but defines a variety of different emotional tests which are presented as questionnaires or dialogues resulting in a verbal or numerical score representing the emotional status of an individual.

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Emotional Scale

Other test such as emotional intelligence scale is a part of Emotional Scale. We will then discuss in detail how these tests function and the particular areas that they focus on later. The Emotional Scale covers much material and therefore can measure our response to bad and good feelings. There are highly precise strategies for enhancing or managing stress based on some specific reaction. Therefore, this scale is applied frequently. Psychotherapy and emotion management.

Classification of emotion scales

The emotion scale does not refer to a simple form, but to a series of word emotion test forms, so there are many types of classifications. It can be classified according to the type of emotion it is used to evaluate or the application object, and it also One of the characteristics is personalization. In psychotherapy, we can design different emotional scales for the person based on his emotional expression.

Emotional Scale

Depending on the situation in which emotions are tested, clinical emotion scales and self-help emotion scales can be used. The self-help emotion scale is used for self-monitoring and management of emotional states. According to the different types of emotions to be tested, they can be divided into positive emotion scales and negative emotion scales. The application objects for emotion testing according to needs include the Youth Emotion Scale, the Children’s Emotion Scale and the Adult Emotion Scale.

Some common emotion scales

Emotional Intelligence Scale

The Emotional Intelligence Scale is a psychological assessment tool that measures an individual’s emotional intelligence, or EI, and is the most common emotional scale.

Emotional Intelligence Scale

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize emotions and emotions, and to use these psychology to help one make judgments and actions. Emotional intelligence includes the ability to recognize emotions, manage emotions, and apply emotions, so emotional intelligence is also called emotional intelligence. The emotional intelligence scale is a self-statement scale that evaluates the level of emotional intelligence based on the score. It is a very typical test form of emotional scale.

Emotional Intelligence Scale

The first person to propose the theory of “emotional intelligence” was Daniel Goleman, who clearly stated in his book “Emotional Intelligence” that “the key to determining a person’s success is emotional quotient rather than IQ.”

The key to success is emotional intelligence?

My understanding is: IQ can improve people’s learning efficiency. If IQ is applied to emotional intelligence learning, better learning results will also be achieved. That is to say: As long as one is willing and works hard for it, then a person with a high IQ will definitely have a high EQ. In actual social life, there are many people with high EQ but average IQ, and they actually have great career development and career achievements. On the Internet, people with high EQ are more common. After all, people with high IQ are in the minority, and some highly intelligent people have gone astray.

Is emotional intelligence important?

Emotional intelligence includes four aspects: emotional perception ability, emotional management ability, other people’s emotional management and emotional expression ability.

For corporate recruitment, the emotional intelligence of job seekers is the focus of the examination. Emotional perception is a manifestation of communication skills and the sensitivity of interpersonal relationships. For administrative, logistics, business, market and other types of positions, emotional perception ability It must be paid attention to, and the ability to manage empathy is outstanding for customer service positions. The ability to express emotions is universal and should be considered in almost any position.

Emotional Intelligence Scale

Emotional intelligence plays a much greater role in the workplace than IQ, because for a working person, abilities can be improved through learning, but the attitude towards learning and cognition of learning are difficult to change. A person with high emotional intelligence has a significantly stronger willingness to learn. This is why emotional intelligence is the most popular one on the Emotional Scale.People with high emotions can also handle their work emotions better!

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What is Emotion Regulation Questionnaire?

Each of us will have various emotions, but have you ever been curious about why our negative emotions are often more numerous and powerful than our positive emotions, and remain in our memories and experiences longer and more firmly? (Can’t remember good things and forget bad things)?

The reason is that from an evolutionary perspective, people who can remember dangerous and painful experiences are more likely to protect themselves and thus gain a greater chance of survival.

Emotion Regulation Questionnaire

Of course, this is a survival mechanism left by primitive people in the “Jungle Age”. Today we no longer live in dangerous situations where wild beasts are infested, but our automatic emotional response mechanism has not changed. Out of self-protection, we will still use more notice the negative feelings.

In this way, being able to regulate negative emotions and free yourself from negative emotions in a timely manner is an adaptive ability. The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire is an Emotional Scale that tests this emotion regulation ability. If you have poor emotional regulation skills, you may need some emotional support, such as animals, plants, objects, etc.

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Emotion Regulation Questionnaire


In short, the emotion scale contains many different emotion tests, and the test of the emotion scale is relatively simple compared to other emotion tests. It mainly determines the individual’s emotional state through question and answer scoring. Emotion scales are personalized. We will focus on the relationship between emotion scales and personality in the next issue.

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