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A guide to building emotional permanence in love!


Emotional permanence is an important prerequisite for people to feel love in the process of love, and it is also an important guarantee for the sense of security and trust between two people in love. As we mentioned in the previous article, emotional permanence is not something you are born with, but is cultivated later. So how to cultivate emotional permanence in love? Let’s take a look together below!

Emotional Permanence: The Type Of People Who Need The Most Care

Emotional Permanence: The Secret To Lasting Love!

Timely communication

Developing the habit of timely communication in love will help cultivate emotional permanence. Because timely communication in love can ensure that two people get along harmoniously.

emotional persistence


Summary of small things

For example, recall what happened some time ago, why you were angry, and what both parties thought when you were angry. This made the two of them grow a lot in the process, and they both became clearer about each other’s inner thoughts. When similar things happened later, the two of them were able to truly think about the problem from each other’s perspective, so many of them later Things were solved. Over time, the two parties will develop a tacit understanding, and even if the other person is not by their side, they can still have a sense of trust and security through emotional permanence.

Emotional Permanence: Self-Help Methods You Must Know

emotional persistence in love

Big things need to be discussed

For things that are difficult to solve alone, such as when facing a major decision, two people can sit together and hold a so-called “seminar”. The two of them can analyze the problem together and spend a concentrated time together to think of a solution. This is very useful. Questions such as how to deal with the objections of both parents can be better answered.

Emotions need to be vented

Let off steam. Many times, even lovers have a lot of things that they can’t say out loud, but they can say it to strangers. But if they communicate in a timely manner, the two people will try to open up each other’s hearts and say things that may not be heard in many situations.


emotional persistence in love

There are many things that cannot be solved psychologically, but speaking out will help you face them more bravely. When you feel dissatisfied, you should speak it out in time, which can effectively prevent the possibility of quarrels between the two parties in the relationship, and also help to cultivate emotional permanence in love.

Maintain freshness with care

In fact, the most feared thing in love is not paying attention. Once you can’t feel the other person’s care and intention, you will easily feel disgusted and feel insecure. This is very detrimental to the formation of emotional permanence.

If two people stay together for a long time and talk too much, both of them may become a little annoyed. At this time, quarrels or awkwardness are most likely to occur. But I think there is nothing wrong with it, because after a quarrel, it can be regarded as an episode in life.

emotional persistence

The most important thing is the method of handling it. You have to put a lot of thought into how to make two people stay together for a long time without getting tired of it. For example, you often supplement your “knowledge”: pay attention to small jokes, create a new topic every other stage, create different contextual scenes to play roles, etc. In addition, one of the keys to keeping it fresh is to update it yourself and take her with you to update it. Sharing experience and progress between two people is a very good way to cultivate emotional permanence.

emotional persistence

Take the initiative to manage relationships

A life outside of two people. When two people spend more time together, they have less time to spend with their friends and family around them. In the long run, it is actually not conducive to the healthy development of the two people. Because people are social and cannot be together every day in the future, other roles must be filled in.

Enter each other’s world

On the one hand, look for more opportunities for the other person to get to know you, and learn various things about you through text, face-to-face, and other means, such as childhood experiences, interesting things in the family, etc.; of course, you will also ask her a lot about herself. In this way, two people will feel that they know each other’s world, and have a more thorough understanding of each other. Therefore, they will understand each other better, give each other a sense of security, and cultivate emotional permanence.

Emotional Permanence

Let the other person enter your circle

Not only do you want her to get to know you and take the initiative to get to know her, but you also need to take the initiative to let her enter your circle. Let your friends become his friends, and you will have mutual friends. On the other hand, you should take the initiative to get to know his friends and build a good relationship with them. In this way, your world and circle are almost the same, and the two of you have made many friends of each other, which is also very helpful for your respective growth.

Give each other space

This is a very common problem in emotional permanence. I won’t go into details. The approach is not to try to interfere with the other person’s life, but you can try to influence his life.

Three chapters on rules that help emotional permanence

  • Arguments, anger and awkwardness will be resolved within 24 hours.
  • Give the other person their space.
  • Give the other party your greatest support, care and encouragement.


I think every pair may have their own methods and ideas. The above is my own experience and practice. If it is valuable, you can refer to it. In short, I think that when two people really get along, scientific and reasonable management is a must! This is conducive to the cultivation of emotional permanence in love.

However, it is true that anything can happen in the world, and no one can guarantee that we will always be together. As long as you think that the other person is indeed the miss right/mr right that you want, then let go and use your best strength to hold on to the other person. You think, there may be just such a person in the world, and if you lose him, you may never find such a deep love, such a suitable and right person again.

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